Thursday, December 5, 2013

Christmas Bible Verses

John 3:16 

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.

Romans 6:23 

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

James 1:17 

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

What Is Christmas?

What does it really mean to celebrate Christmas? Buying and wrapping presents for each other? Decorating the house with lights and festive decor? Does Christmas mean to make cookies and gingerbread houses and take a break off from school?    


While all of those things might be great and makes Christmas even more enjoyable, that's just simply not what Christmas is about. Can you guess what is the most important part of Christmas tho? It shouldn't be that hard, since his name is in the word; Christ. The birth of the Christ, our savior, who came down to Earth to deliver us from evil and forgive us for our sins. Christmas, or rather the Advent season, is the waiting for the coming of Christ. Although we would like to think that Christmas is about waiting for jolly old St. Nicholas to come on the 25th, that's simply not what it's supposed to be about. 

The History?

The Advent season always starts after Thanksgiving and from then on until Christmas day, we celebrate the coming of our Savior. Back then when people believed in god, they believed he would send a savior to rescue them from the darkness they were in. The weeks before Christ's birth were just like others; dark and lacking in faith. Those weeks were supposed to be reflected in our culture now in days with without all the lights and festivities. We were supposed to experiencing what it was truly like to be waiting for a savior to came and rescue you. Only after Christmas day are we actually supposed to celebrate the birth of Christ. Then we could have all the festivities, cookies, lights, etc. 

The Problem?

We've forgotten what the true meaning of Christmas is. I know it sounds cheesy, but why should it? Why have we forgotten about the birth of Christ? how many of us actually go to church on Christmas, or Christmas Eve? How many of us have a nativity scene somewhere in our house when we decorate it for the Holiday season? How many of us actually understand what it was like waiting in the dark for a savior to rescue you with the light? So many of us focus on the gifts, Black Friday shopping, getting a Christmas tree, lighting up the house inside and outside. No one really stops and thanks Him for giving us the one thing that we absolutely needed (and still need); Himself. 


So, how about this Christmas season we take that initiative to know about this time more and thank Him for everything He's given us and try to put yourselves in those people 2,000 years agoto understand how they felt without a Savior? Is that too much? I hope not, but something is better than nothing. I think we all could a little better in praying and simply being thankful for what you have and not be so needy for what you want. So instead of asking for so much this Christmas season, how about we ask for less? how about we simply ask for our families safety and love? How about we ask for simply being able to enjoy the littlest things we have? how about we ask for grace, mercy, and love from Him during this extraordinary time of the year? 

After all, for someone's birthday that we've been supposedly been celebrating for the past 2,000 years, I would think we should know just why and what we are celebrating because He's obviously important, instead of just going through the motions.

So Merry Christmas this season. I hope you all have a great and happy holidays. Amen.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Romans 10:9

That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

Smoke and Mirrors

When we typically thing of religion, what's the first thing that comes to mind? God? Church? Morals? Family Life? How about simply the fact of having to believe in something? These days, most of us pass by each other on our smartphones, talking to someone else through an electronic extenuation of ourselves, without ever really stopping and talking to the people in front of us. We've been slowly removing ourselves, bit-by-bit, from real close relationships that are right in front of us. These days we don't even need to actually meet the person before you "fall-in-love" and marry them. How many times do you check your email? How many times do you use your phone to look something up? Where do you get most of your news now? Social media websites and now news has become such a big role in most people's life that we never really pay attention to how much of a difference we have made on ourselves with our high-tech society.

God's not like that. You can't simply Face-Time Him or email whenever you want to. No He doesn't have a Facebook page or any other social media website page (although some have created pages for Him and His son). You can't ask Him to meet you later somewhere or shop online with you. No, you can't do anything like that with Him. You know why? Because God isn't like us. He's more important than that. He's special to all of us. If He wanted to be like us and get all those little things we've got and talk to us like we talk to each other, then how many of us would actually pay attention to Him? He's our Father. Our Creator. That means He wants a more personal relationship with us. He wants to know us and to hear from us. But in order to do so, we gotta put down our electronics and our drive to have less social interaction.

When is the last time you read a newspaper or had a coffee date with a friend? That's sorta what God wants with us. He wants to be that friend sitting across from you while you both talk as you sip your lattes (or whatever). With God, there needs to be more of a personal relationship, not simply one based off a text or a random email every now and then. If you want to know Him. If you want to be saved by Him, then talk TO Him. Pray. Go to mass. Go to confession. Put down the electronics and be "real" with Him. Stop hiding behind smoke and mirrors.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Psalm 23

A Psalm by David.

23:1 Yahweh is my shepherd:
I shall lack nothing.
23:2 He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
23:3 He restores my soul.
He guides me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.
23:4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me.
Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil.
My cup runs over.
23:6 Surely goodness and loving kindness shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in Yahweh’s house forever.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

When We Feel Lost

There are many of us that have been through a rough tough through our life and we always feel like we're lost during that time. No truly knows why we feel that sort of feeling, but some have guessed that its connected to a feeling of emptiness, or rather feeling of something, or someone not there when we think they should be. We feel as if someone or something important in our life is missing, or rather not being there for us; helping us when we're down. Almost as if God isn't there when we're going through a rough time in our life. 

Second Corinthians 4:16-18 “So we do not lose heart. Though our outer man is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.”

While we may feel this way, in actuality, He's closer to us then than any other time. We just simply forget to keep Him in sight, or to even look for Him. We basically give up on Him. We need to realize this and remember that God doesn't abandon His children, nor does He want us to feel miserable and have horrible lives. We should always look for Him and pray to Him to help us. That's the only way we will actually truly feel better and completely. If thee's anyone out there feeling this way, please know that God is thee with you and He wants you to know that He truly does love you and care for you and He would do anything for you. All you need to do is keep in your sight and love Him back.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Inspirational Quote

Difficulties are God;s errands, and when we are sent upon them, we should esteem it a proof of God's confidence.


Why is it that life itself is so complicated? What purpose does the woman with two kids and living off of unemployment checks cause she recently got laid off have to tell us? Why was she put in that area of depression? Why is the man who's recently been cheated on and then divorced even worth knowing? Why put someone through a hardship like that? Why let to people meet each other, know there;s limited time, fall in love, and then when being forced apart can't stop thinking about each other? What's the point God? Why make some people's lives so crazy. So unbelievable? So hard and depressing?

Many of us have these questions and even some about the hardships we've been through ourselves when talking to God as we pray. we can't understand why God, ever so loving and passionate about us, would let us go through some of the hardest moments in our life without a reason. Or is there? Most of us feel recklessly abandoned when we're at our lowest moments, yet what we fail to realize is that God is more present than ever when we feel the farthest from Him. You want to know why? Because He loves us. it's true. When we feel the farthest from Him; He's next to us. When we think we can not find Him anywhere; He's directly in front of us. He's helping us. Guiding us. Keeping us on the path of life He knows is the best for us. He knows who we are and what's the best for us to grow and learn and gather faith in Him. 

Our lives are never without a purpose. He lets obstacles get in our way to help us. To help us get stronger. In faith, in physicalness, in mentalness, and even in emotions. He wants what's best for us and if that means going through some hardships to realize who we truly are, then so be it. But know this, He's not gone. Instead He's right beside us; holding our hand and helping us every step of the way. All we need to do is to look. To look and see Him in every aspect of our lives. Because He truly is every way. In everything you do. Who you meet, how a certain song or speech can inspire you. Whether you take a certain path home versus your usual own. How and where you hear His words when going to church. He's there. Always.

The hardships we think we can never get through eventually end. Because that woman who got laid off and has two kids, got a part-time job, went back to night-school, earned her degree in business and now has got a new job that pays even better and her kids and her are better off now. More than she could have thought of or even asked for, but God was there. He helped her and saw how she handled the letdown of her old job. Saw how she did her best to put herself through school again. Saw the love she had for kids. He came through for her by rewarding her with an even better job, because God realizes we all have hardships and He would never let us suffer. He's already done that for us.

The hardships we think we can never get through eventually end. Because that man who was cheated on and then divorced saw the wrongness of his ex, but forgave her, yet loved his kids so he fought for them and won. His job demands a lot of him, but he makes sure he spends as much time as possible with his kids. He never forgets to thank the Lord every night for the miracles in his life, yet he does't realize God has a greater gift in store for him for all that he's done and handled his hardship. Everything we do is supposed to be a reflection of God himself. He let's hardships into our lives to teach us what we really cant learn any other way.

Sure life is hard sometimes and crazy, but in the end, wasn't it worth it all if you get to see Him in Heaven in eternal glory forever? Don't you think the hardships you face now will be paid for and rewarded ten-fold if we accept them, show God's mercy and love through them, and get over them? That's really all He wants to teach us. how to become better beings. Happier, healthier, and more faithful. He wants to teach each of us how to love and be loved. How to forgive and be forgiven. He simply wants us to experience and learn what  it was like for Him to do the same to us. His love. His mercy. His forgiveness. That's really all He really ever wanted us to experience. So do you think you could handle the next big thing thrown at you in life? Do you think you could understand it better and trust that He's there with you? Helping you get through it? Or would you lose your faith in Him?

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Palsm 62

My Soul waits for God alone. He alone is my rock and my salvation. Trust him at all times, O people. Power and love belong to God.

Never Stop Praying

I think when it comes to praying, most of us simply forget, or don't know how to. It seems that in our world today, many can't remember the last time they personally sat down and actually prayed to God besides at church. What does that say about us? Are we bad people for not doing so? are we not consider real Catholics or Christians? No, it just means we don't have the same personal connection with God that some others do.

God doesn't want us to simply say we believe in Him, go to church, give an offering because everyone else does. He wants us to want to be with Him. Go out, help others, pray, get closer to Him. He wants us to want to be by His side every waking moment of our lives so that when we finally go to HIm, we aren't surprised by who He is and what He's done, but rather understand Him and be even more in love because He's  our Father, Creator, and one and only true Love. That's what He wants from us.

The only way to truly understand who He is and how He's your father, is by taking the time to envelope in that close relationship. The only way to have that close relationship, tho, is to never stop praying. Talk to Him. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Question of The Day

   Would you rather become a saint and have no one know you, or just go to church every now and then, yet be very popular?

   To many it seems that the latter is more important to them. Whether it be because they like being popular, find being very holy is hard, or even they just don't believe or care enough to believe in God enough to make a difference could be any of those reasons and all of them at once. It's hard now in days to be fully faithful in your religion, especially when there are so many things to distract us and cause us to sin, yet they seem like ordinary fun things everybody does everyday. 

   Jesus says "I am the one, The Truth and the the Light, for no one shall go to my Father, but through me." Later in the bible He's heard to say "Fear not, O Jacob my servant, declares the Lord, for I am with you. I will make a full end of all the nations to which I have driven you, but of you I will not make a full end. I will discipline you with just measure, and I will by no means leave you unpunished." God never said getting to Heaven would be easy. We must be patient, obedient  and follow the Lord. Follow his rules (Ten Commandments), pray, go to church, and do what it takes for you to become closer to God. So you can have that personal relationship with Him.

   Because in the end, does it really matter if you're popular on Earth, when you could be 10 times more popular in Heaven for having become a Saint?

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

John 14:27

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.
I do not give to you as the world gives. 
Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
 - John 14:27

Monday, August 26, 2013

John 3:16

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son,
 that those who believe in Him, shall not perish, but  have eternal life."
   - John 3:16

Sunday, August 25, 2013


   There's a certain feeling or rather emotion we get when we here the word Love. It males us want to experience, hold it, touch, and understand it. Many say they've found their true love, but what dies that truly mean? We're all humans (hopefully) and therefore we can all understand that Love itself is a crazy thing. We will never be able to completely understand it.. Well, not on Earth atleast. See, as humans we have come to realize that Love cannot be entirely obtains through physically being human, but tends to deal with a more "supernatural" aspect.

   This is where God seems to step into the picture and provide that long, yearning feeling we so desperately have for Love and fills it. And not to just satisfy us, bu rather overwhelms us, so hat we may be truly and desperately happy. He wants us to find Love. He wants us to be overwhelmed with it and be truly happt. He wants us o find Him, because it's He alone who can fulfill our deepest wants and true desires to more than we ever ask for. While some may say that it seems hat God has abandon us since there is war, poverty, and restricted freedom in man places, I say that He hasn't. For it is impossible for Him to abandon us, because we are a part of Him and He is in part in each one of us. We are His beloved children and just like your father would never abandon you, so does God not abandon us.

   If we want to truly BELIEVE in Love, then all we really must to is see and understand the sacrifice our on Holy Father has done for us. To give up his ONLY begotten son, to save us all from damnation and Hell do to our sins. Instead He freed us and delivered us from evil.

   If we want to truly SEE Love, then all you have to do is realize how great God's gifts are to you. To give such grace and mercy tha it burns in your soul, that makes you want to cry out for the riddance of evil in every corner of the world.

   What kind of Love is that? We cannot and will never truly understand that kind of Love until we go to Heaven and see our Holy Father face-to-face. But don't think that Love is out of reach. Our Father is always with us and there for us even when we don't expect it. Continuance of pray for peace, forgiveness, and guide Essex in a world that is becoming ever darker, we need to grow closer in our relationship with Him. Our God has not and will never abandon us, isn't that what true Love really about? How else to do explain why weddings vows state a life of eternity with someone? We try everything to replicate the true Love that God has for us, but that kinda of Love just can't be truly duplicated because you simply have to experience it to completely and fully understand it.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Psalms 18:1, 2

I will love thee, O Lord, my strength.
The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer;
my God, my strength, in whom I will trust;
my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower

Sunday, August 11, 2013


  Beauty, or rather beautiful. The word itself is something we give to anything we like or love, but what does it really mean? Why do we really call something cute, pretty, or beautiful? Is beauty really only skin deep? And is beauty really only within the eye of the beholder? 

 The dictionary definition of the word beautiful is "Delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration". Now you must be wondering, what are you getting at here blogger? Well, if we take a closer look at the definition itself, then we can see how it doesn't necessarily mean a good thing. For instance, if we're to really go by the dictionary definition of beauty, then we can presume that anything that excites and pleases us is beautiful to us, correct? Well, then does that mean drugs, alcohol, and sins are beautiful? Because if so, I must have been born on the wrong side of everything.

 In the bible it says that God had created us in the image of himself, and both man and woman are alike to be so. To me this would only mean that God is the true definition of beauty. If He hated sin and helps us everyday in trying to abolish it, then sin and other bad things similar to it, must not be considered truly beautiful. If we are to truly understand what beauty really means, then the only way to find out would be to go to God directly, right? Afterall, if we're made to look like Him and He created everything around us, then He must truly know what the definition of beauty is because I can't find anything more beautiful than what He's created. With true beauty comes true adoration and love for what you see and continue to seek. 

 My true example of true beauty would be nature. Nothing in this world surpass trying to understand how such massive mountains formed to give us such high views or miles of fields of corn or wheat. Nature is the closest way I can get to better understanding God and what true beauty means. Everyday I find another reason in nature to try and grow closer with God. 

 You can try it too. Just stop for a couple minutes at some point in time in your busy day today and just look around you. Pay attention to the people. Listen to all the different sounds. And try to just get a real good look at where you really are and try to imagine how it got created. Everything in this world doesn't just happen or appear out of nowhere. 

 So let's try to not go with the main stream of what others think is beautiful, but stake out our own path and grow closer and deeper to the true meaning of beauty, which is God Himself.

St. Thomas Aquinace

"To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. 
 To one without faith, no explanation is possible."

Monday, May 27, 2013


Oh When Will It Be...

Oh when will it be that you can see
Everything and all it's possibilities

Too many lost in our world of night

When all you have to do is follow the light

For the ones too far from love to see

He says, :Ill give you a heart, so rest and be"

For the ones too weak to carry the light

He says, "I'll give you the greatest of might"

For the ones that have fallen down to their knees

He says, "Get up and look at me"

There is one way and only one way it can be

To follow in His footsteps you and me

To rise with tides and sing to the sky

Only Heaven can hear our voices this high

So when will it be that we're all set free

From these chains of sadness and misery

Oh when will it be that you can see

Everything and all its possibilities

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Oh God

So tell me what you want to hear so I can say it loudly,
And tell me what you want to see so I can show you clearly

That it doesn't matter who you are or what you've been through

Just as long as you can see that i'm the same as everyone and you

So tell me what you want to believe so I can show you faithfully,

And tell me what you want to say so I can give you plenty

Oh Lord, Almighty

No need to continue fighting

Just believe in Him and everything will turn out alright

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

John 16:30-31

"By this we believe." Jesus answered them, "Do you now believe?"
-John 16:30-31

Challenge # 1

Challenge: Write atleast a paragraph or more that you think will describe the moment you reach Heaven and see the Father. Go!

My Example:

Imagine you're standing alone. Nothing but silence and blankness around you. You turn your head to the left, then the right. You do a slow 360 degree turn to see every aspect of the place you're standing in. There are no walls. There are no windows, nor windows. Just simple white, emptiness that seems to stretch on forever. It's a bright white- a little brighter than eggshell coloring- maybe with a hint of golden rays smeared into it. Almost like sunlight.
You call out, but nothing. Silence. you call out again, but this time, while there isn't a response still, you realize also that your voice has no echo. You ponder this and then call out again, "Hello?" This time there is a response. You hear a voice, it sounds as if it's coming from behind you and you quickly turn to find the source of such a voice. It's deep and soothing. It sounds sweet and comforting and you're trying to find what's speaking with such a voice. It's congratulating you, yet you can't seem to find the source. Then there comes a blinding light. The area where you think the voice should be is instead covered by blinding light. It's almost as if someone has put a spotlight on you, but the blankness and whit color of the place disperses it out and it blends into it around the edges. 
The voice calls out to you again. "Do you believe in Him"? 
You're confused, thinking to yourself you say, "who is him"?, but suddenly the voice calls out again. 
"Can you not recognize me? Your own Father?"
You call back to the voice, "But who is it that you are? Certainly not God".
The voice calls back, but in an understanding tone, "And why can't I be? Do you not believe in Me? After everything you've been through?"
You can't believe it's truly Him, so you ask you're most desperate question, "If it is you, then why come now? Where were you when I needed you the most? When I got put up for adoption? When I lost friends simply because of words? Why is it that I feel great, better than others, yet still feel guilty when I see the pain and suffering of the people I know? Why God?"
He responds with a calming voice, "Relax my son. You've lived a life others would never dream of. You want to know why you got adopted? It's because you needed to have a better life. I let you move from that family because you weren't going to to grow up and be happy, like you are now. I needed you to experience pain and trouble first before I let you receive the gift of happiness and love. You want to know why you've lost the friends that you have? They were not good for you. You wanted to keep clean and be happy. You prayed and wished for it, so I made it so. Those friends would've changed you and not in the best of ways. You want to know why you feel so happy and great? I gave you that gift. And  with that gift you've touched so may in your life. They've seen you're happiness, known of your struggles, and seen how you got through with all the troubles in your life. Seeing you gave them hope. They started praying again. They started trying to reach me again and I welcomed them back with open arms. You feel grief and sadness at the pain and frustration of someone else because you want to help them. Deep down you know how you affect others and you want to help them like you've helped others. None of this was for you to feel bad, but rather that you would realize just how important you are to Me, to everyone else you've ever reached out to."
You lower your head. Understanding what God had told you has brought you to shame and humility. As you're about to speak out, the Father stops you.
"I know son. You're sorry. I appreaciate the gesture, but you are forgiven. Just trust me when I tell you something and I set something in your path that might be a struggle is in fact a simple way for you to grow in your faith. Now rest my Son. Come with me and be at peace. Your time has come to come and live with me in eternally glory. Are you ready?"
The last part catches you and you suddenly realize where you are. You realize you have died, but instead of feeling of loss or shame and guilt for your sins, you feel more free and happier than ever. You walk over to the light and suddenly as you came to be in the blank place, you've left. You went to Heaven.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Why I Believe In God

Why should I believe in God?

That's a simple question, yet it means a lot. So, why should you believe in God? Well, first, tell me something. Are you a scientific person? Do like to see everything and try to understand how it works or simply how it came to be? Well, then you're in luck because i'm just like you. I LOVE the scientific world around. It's amazing. Just trying to understand every little thing around us is pretty cool, right? Well then you must be wondering, how come science has been able to prove everything and in the process not reveal there to be a God?

Actually, scientists haven't been able to prove EVERYTHING. See, they make you think that, but you have to realize that there is one thing they haven't been able to disprove. That is God. No matter how many facts and numbers they throw at the image or the idea of God, they just can't make it stick. You see, God isn't a physical being. He's not something you can touch or see. You just an not try to compare to something of this Earth. You wanna know why? Because He created this world; this universe. He's not a part of it. He's outside of it. You know science has proven how the universe got created- big bang theory- yet they can't explain how the big bang came around. Something had to have moved those particles, but what? That's where God steps in. See, you can believe in evolution and all that, but just remember that in the end, it was God who started the whole ball and chain going. So that's why you should believe in Him. He created you, this Earth, and the Universe.