Saturday, October 5, 2013


Why is it that life itself is so complicated? What purpose does the woman with two kids and living off of unemployment checks cause she recently got laid off have to tell us? Why was she put in that area of depression? Why is the man who's recently been cheated on and then divorced even worth knowing? Why put someone through a hardship like that? Why let to people meet each other, know there;s limited time, fall in love, and then when being forced apart can't stop thinking about each other? What's the point God? Why make some people's lives so crazy. So unbelievable? So hard and depressing?

Many of us have these questions and even some about the hardships we've been through ourselves when talking to God as we pray. we can't understand why God, ever so loving and passionate about us, would let us go through some of the hardest moments in our life without a reason. Or is there? Most of us feel recklessly abandoned when we're at our lowest moments, yet what we fail to realize is that God is more present than ever when we feel the farthest from Him. You want to know why? Because He loves us. it's true. When we feel the farthest from Him; He's next to us. When we think we can not find Him anywhere; He's directly in front of us. He's helping us. Guiding us. Keeping us on the path of life He knows is the best for us. He knows who we are and what's the best for us to grow and learn and gather faith in Him. 

Our lives are never without a purpose. He lets obstacles get in our way to help us. To help us get stronger. In faith, in physicalness, in mentalness, and even in emotions. He wants what's best for us and if that means going through some hardships to realize who we truly are, then so be it. But know this, He's not gone. Instead He's right beside us; holding our hand and helping us every step of the way. All we need to do is to look. To look and see Him in every aspect of our lives. Because He truly is every way. In everything you do. Who you meet, how a certain song or speech can inspire you. Whether you take a certain path home versus your usual own. How and where you hear His words when going to church. He's there. Always.

The hardships we think we can never get through eventually end. Because that woman who got laid off and has two kids, got a part-time job, went back to night-school, earned her degree in business and now has got a new job that pays even better and her kids and her are better off now. More than she could have thought of or even asked for, but God was there. He helped her and saw how she handled the letdown of her old job. Saw how she did her best to put herself through school again. Saw the love she had for kids. He came through for her by rewarding her with an even better job, because God realizes we all have hardships and He would never let us suffer. He's already done that for us.

The hardships we think we can never get through eventually end. Because that man who was cheated on and then divorced saw the wrongness of his ex, but forgave her, yet loved his kids so he fought for them and won. His job demands a lot of him, but he makes sure he spends as much time as possible with his kids. He never forgets to thank the Lord every night for the miracles in his life, yet he does't realize God has a greater gift in store for him for all that he's done and handled his hardship. Everything we do is supposed to be a reflection of God himself. He let's hardships into our lives to teach us what we really cant learn any other way.

Sure life is hard sometimes and crazy, but in the end, wasn't it worth it all if you get to see Him in Heaven in eternal glory forever? Don't you think the hardships you face now will be paid for and rewarded ten-fold if we accept them, show God's mercy and love through them, and get over them? That's really all He wants to teach us. how to become better beings. Happier, healthier, and more faithful. He wants to teach each of us how to love and be loved. How to forgive and be forgiven. He simply wants us to experience and learn what  it was like for Him to do the same to us. His love. His mercy. His forgiveness. That's really all He really ever wanted us to experience. So do you think you could handle the next big thing thrown at you in life? Do you think you could understand it better and trust that He's there with you? Helping you get through it? Or would you lose your faith in Him?

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