Saturday, February 16, 2013

Why I Believe In God

Why should I believe in God?

That's a simple question, yet it means a lot. So, why should you believe in God? Well, first, tell me something. Are you a scientific person? Do like to see everything and try to understand how it works or simply how it came to be? Well, then you're in luck because i'm just like you. I LOVE the scientific world around. It's amazing. Just trying to understand every little thing around us is pretty cool, right? Well then you must be wondering, how come science has been able to prove everything and in the process not reveal there to be a God?

Actually, scientists haven't been able to prove EVERYTHING. See, they make you think that, but you have to realize that there is one thing they haven't been able to disprove. That is God. No matter how many facts and numbers they throw at the image or the idea of God, they just can't make it stick. You see, God isn't a physical being. He's not something you can touch or see. You just an not try to compare to something of this Earth. You wanna know why? Because He created this world; this universe. He's not a part of it. He's outside of it. You know science has proven how the universe got created- big bang theory- yet they can't explain how the big bang came around. Something had to have moved those particles, but what? That's where God steps in. See, you can believe in evolution and all that, but just remember that in the end, it was God who started the whole ball and chain going. So that's why you should believe in Him. He created you, this Earth, and the Universe.

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