Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Smoke and Mirrors

When we typically thing of religion, what's the first thing that comes to mind? God? Church? Morals? Family Life? How about simply the fact of having to believe in something? These days, most of us pass by each other on our smartphones, talking to someone else through an electronic extenuation of ourselves, without ever really stopping and talking to the people in front of us. We've been slowly removing ourselves, bit-by-bit, from real close relationships that are right in front of us. These days we don't even need to actually meet the person before you "fall-in-love" and marry them. How many times do you check your email? How many times do you use your phone to look something up? Where do you get most of your news now? Social media websites and now news has become such a big role in most people's life that we never really pay attention to how much of a difference we have made on ourselves with our high-tech society.

God's not like that. You can't simply Face-Time Him or email whenever you want to. No He doesn't have a Facebook page or any other social media website page (although some have created pages for Him and His son). You can't ask Him to meet you later somewhere or shop online with you. No, you can't do anything like that with Him. You know why? Because God isn't like us. He's more important than that. He's special to all of us. If He wanted to be like us and get all those little things we've got and talk to us like we talk to each other, then how many of us would actually pay attention to Him? He's our Father. Our Creator. That means He wants a more personal relationship with us. He wants to know us and to hear from us. But in order to do so, we gotta put down our electronics and our drive to have less social interaction.

When is the last time you read a newspaper or had a coffee date with a friend? That's sorta what God wants with us. He wants to be that friend sitting across from you while you both talk as you sip your lattes (or whatever). With God, there needs to be more of a personal relationship, not simply one based off a text or a random email every now and then. If you want to know Him. If you want to be saved by Him, then talk TO Him. Pray. Go to mass. Go to confession. Put down the electronics and be "real" with Him. Stop hiding behind smoke and mirrors.

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