Sunday, August 25, 2013


   There's a certain feeling or rather emotion we get when we here the word Love. It males us want to experience, hold it, touch, and understand it. Many say they've found their true love, but what dies that truly mean? We're all humans (hopefully) and therefore we can all understand that Love itself is a crazy thing. We will never be able to completely understand it.. Well, not on Earth atleast. See, as humans we have come to realize that Love cannot be entirely obtains through physically being human, but tends to deal with a more "supernatural" aspect.

   This is where God seems to step into the picture and provide that long, yearning feeling we so desperately have for Love and fills it. And not to just satisfy us, bu rather overwhelms us, so hat we may be truly and desperately happy. He wants us to find Love. He wants us to be overwhelmed with it and be truly happt. He wants us o find Him, because it's He alone who can fulfill our deepest wants and true desires to more than we ever ask for. While some may say that it seems hat God has abandon us since there is war, poverty, and restricted freedom in man places, I say that He hasn't. For it is impossible for Him to abandon us, because we are a part of Him and He is in part in each one of us. We are His beloved children and just like your father would never abandon you, so does God not abandon us.

   If we want to truly BELIEVE in Love, then all we really must to is see and understand the sacrifice our on Holy Father has done for us. To give up his ONLY begotten son, to save us all from damnation and Hell do to our sins. Instead He freed us and delivered us from evil.

   If we want to truly SEE Love, then all you have to do is realize how great God's gifts are to you. To give such grace and mercy tha it burns in your soul, that makes you want to cry out for the riddance of evil in every corner of the world.

   What kind of Love is that? We cannot and will never truly understand that kind of Love until we go to Heaven and see our Holy Father face-to-face. But don't think that Love is out of reach. Our Father is always with us and there for us even when we don't expect it. Continuance of pray for peace, forgiveness, and guide Essex in a world that is becoming ever darker, we need to grow closer in our relationship with Him. Our God has not and will never abandon us, isn't that what true Love really about? How else to do explain why weddings vows state a life of eternity with someone? We try everything to replicate the true Love that God has for us, but that kinda of Love just can't be truly duplicated because you simply have to experience it to completely and fully understand it.

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