Monday, August 27, 2012

Re-Teaching The Faith

This is a post from someone I found on Facebook one day talking about Nicki Minaj and how in one of her songs she used inappropriate texts to make her song flow. I personally agree with the guy, but the comments I found below this post were just rude and ignorant. I believe that religion now in days is completely in jeopardy due to the fact of people making fun if it, or even using it to sound "cool". I find it wrong to use religion to your own benefits. If you believe in God, then that's great, but don't mix God's words into a song with lyrics about how good drugs, sex, etc. is good. It sends the wrong message to people. 

--"This post may or not reach you, but it's the best I can do in order to perhaps bring to your attention and through it; your concern. I'm not sure if you're a person of faith, but what I know is that there are people out there who do follow a religion. They hold it in high esteem as religion pertains to their beliefs and therefore it can hold a very spiritual dimension in their lives. Every religion has a God; whether it be Christianity, Jew, Sikh, or Muslim. For people who believe in God, God is the center point of their faith and life because it is He who has created them and it is to Him they shall return. Therefore, everything he/she does is indebted to Him as He is the Creator of 'Cause and Effect'. Disrespecting one's God is also then considered disrespect to the person him/herself. In your song "Beam me up Scotty", you mentioned the following lines, "Assalamu Alaykum, where the f*** is akbar". In case you didn't know, "Assalamu Alaykum", is a greeting of peace which means, "May (God's) peace be upon/with you". (It is also important to note that 'As-Salam-The All Peaceful' is also regarded by Muslims an attribute of God.) 'Allahu Akbar' means "God is the Greatest". This message is not to insult you, but to excuse you as you may not be familiar with the teachings of some faiths. At the same time, I do not excuse the ignorance of putting Arabic words into your song without knowing their meanings and significance. Perhaps try checking their meanings before inserting them? Lastly, I don't know your intentions as sincerity is a matter of heart. Many musicians and artists have attacked minorities and different faiths, but disrespecting is not a good and acceptable trait as a person. Your voice reaches many people and you are an influence to the world. People are, and will, follow(ing) you for as long as your voice is heard. I would sincerely ask you to please stop disrespecting people's faith and start showing sympathy towards other, their feelings, and (their) religion.

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