Friday, August 17, 2012

Bible Study

So, yesterday I went to "Bible Study" with my CYO group and we studied Joshua 10-11, which talked about how Joshua and the Israelites had to defend the Gibeonites (because of their recent alliance with them)and ultimately defeated not 1, but 2 attacks from all the kings of the 'promise land'. If you're not familiar with this story, then go back and read from the beginning of Joshua to better understand what I'm talking about. Anyways, in these 2 chapters God has not only acted as if to forget of Joshua's mistake of making an alliance, but also fights his hardest for him, so that Joshua and his people can live in peace in the 'promise land'.

I think that this story shows that, even if we sin we can still come back to God and he will not only forgive us for our sins, but also act like it never happened. It goes without saying that, "when we're at our lowest point, that's when God fights the hardest for us". He'll will do incredible things for you, if you just take the time to talk to him. In the Joshua story, God throws hailstones from the sky onto the enemy; killing more than the Israelites killed with their swords and Joshua even knelt down and prayed for God to stop the sun, so that they could continue fighting and God did so! How incredible is that?!

Anyways, we also watched this video showing a skit by "Lifehouse" with the song "Everything" about how we can be in love with God one minute, get distracted by ordinary things in life the next and sin, but when we ask for his help and repent, he's willing to fight like never before to get us back.
Just watch. I hope you enjoy, thanks.

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