Saturday, August 18, 2012


Commitments are hard.. right? We join the high-school football team and we realize that with all the practices, games, and school-work; how would we ever have the time for ourselves? That's the thing with commitments. You have to give up one thing to get something else that you want. We have to be able to not only keep our commitments, but also find ways to help others complete their commitments. After-all a commitment is in fact a promise.

God wants us to make a commitment (promise) to him. He wants us to get to know him more, feel his presence, and most of all to help others reach him. When you make that commitment to him, that promise; its not to just him.. its to yourself too. God won't punish you for slacking off every now and then, but rather the guilt that you feel for yourself on slacking in that promise will make you're think how you're doing things these days.

If we just take a little time out of our day to pray, or help someone get to church, or even to just talk to someone about God who seems to have lost their way. It's the little things that help make a commitment to God go a long way. After-all, he loves us no matter what happens.

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