Wednesday, August 22, 2012

"Do Unto Others As You Wish Was Done Unto You" 

You know there's a saying, "Do unto others as you wish was done unto you". That's a pretty key sentence. While it means so much, how many of us actually follow by it's rule? Everyday we go out into the world with this idea, but when we come home at the end of the day; what did we do with that sentence, that goal? There's so much at stake in this world, but we're too blinded by society and the media that we make it a habit (almost a mission), subconsciously, to drive the ones we love away from us. Every thought, every word, every action; it impacts others in so many ways that you cannot even understand.

Every day there people out there who will do anything to get what they want. There are gossipers, crooks, thieves, murderers, etc. who are out there to destroy what you have, twist what you want into something bad, and to disgrace you for our faith. It is your job to fight it; not just to block it, but to actually fight it. No that does not mean get a superhero costume and go fight crime. It does however mean that if you see something that's not right in the eyes of the Lord, try to stop it. Talk to your friend who's doing drugs, or your coworker who's having an affair. Even if they don't really listen, the fact that you are out there trying to spread the word of God, shows that you care about them; about their lives.

Many of us have used our words against each other. Ever heard of the phrase, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."? While there are some who have a very high level of patience with people who tend to get mad easily, most of you will tend to snap back at someone being rude to you. That's understandable, we have feelings, we're human. The choice though comes when we realize that while that person is yelling at us; is it really because of something we did, or are they just personally resentful alot of times? Gossipers spread rumors and lies about others that ruin reputations and lives sometimes. Is it worth saying something as a comment on Facebook to someone about someone else and hearing later that the person you were talking about hurt themselves or killed themselves due to what they read on how other people saw them?

Our words and our actions impact people everyday, every time we say or do something. It's our choice whether we choose to say words of compassion and to do acts of kindness, rather than say words of thoughtlessness and do acts of sin or greed. You may say something now to a friend or someone you meet randomly and it may not impact them today, or tomorrow, but later.. in the future is when it will hit them. Then how would you feel knowing you caused them that hurt? Would you want someone to do the same to you? "Do unto others as you wish was done unto you". If we all just live by those 10 simple words, that mean so much; our lives, the people we come in contact with, and the world.. will live so much better than it does now. Such a simple phrase, yet goes unheard or unacted upon for so many.

What could've you done differently yesterday? What could you have said differently to someone yesterday. What will you do or say to someone today to make it better. And finally, what are your goals to help others do/say stuff in the future that better this world?

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