Saturday, January 10, 2015

Be The Change

So the other day I found my old rubber band bracelet that says "Be The Change". I got it about 3-4 years ago and I had misplaced it for awhile now, but when I was packing up to go back to college, I found it again. Seeing this little green band got me thinking though, what does it take to change something? What does it take to be the change as it says? Sure it's simply written down, but what does it really take? 

Let's start with the beginning. The word "change" itself means: to become different, to make (someone or something) different, to become something else. So, to enact change, you have to be completely original and new. You have to do things no one else has ever done. You have to live off the grid or what not, right? Not exactly. You can simply enact change or at least become different from whatever the social media says to be by not following the mainstream idea of what it means to be normal. Sometimes by breaking what may seem the path of least resistance, you realize that it's also not the best or normal path to do things/be. I've found that by striking out on your own, while yes it might be difficult at first, it ends up being better and more engaging for you in the long run.

So now we know the definition and what it kinda means, so now, how to do enact it? All at once? That sounds too hard. No, you don't need drastic and sudden changes in your lifestyle to prove that you can be a change. You need deliberate, yet simple changes to make a difference. Also, I want you to make sure these changes are in a positive manner. There's no point in being a different person if it only makes your life worse. Try helping someone with their groceries, walk an elderly across the street, volunteer at your local homeless or animal shelter, or even simply compliment at least 1 new person everyday. Simple acts like those are small enough to not even think about twice, but it will make someone else's day and that's  the whole point. These kinds of things can cause chain reaction and enact the change that this world needs.

I think we get so wrapped up in our day-to-day lives that we forget how others really react to us. How many times  have you found yourself not communicating with someone clearly because of other issues in the way? We've gotten so involved with ourselves that we've started to lose our sense of caring about others and how do you think that makes God feel? We've only got a couple guidelines to follow, so why do we not enact them? How can we love our neighbors if we only care about ourselves? A little good deed goes a long way. So as my wristband says, "Be The Change".

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