Sunday, November 2, 2014

Halloween & College Advice

So, last Friday was Halloween and since I'm in college, well, guess what that means. If anything like drugs, sex, alcohol, tons of parties, skimpy outfits, excessive makeup, etc. come to your mind, well, you wouldn't be wrong. However, not everyone celebrates like that. Some like to just hang with a couple friends in a Halloween themed hangout. Surprisingly, this is possible. Whatever your morals are, there is a place for you in college, don't worry. I go to the one of the nation's top party schools, yet I'm still able to find my niche here without getting high or drunk every other night, so you can too, don't worry.

Which brings me to my next point: don't think for a second that because you're in college all of the sudden that you have to change yourself, or drop any morals that you have in order to have a good time. What/who you were in high school, can still be you in college, but don't forget the becoming an adult thing too. Whatever is your thing, you can for sure find it in college, so don't worry about fitting in or standing out, everyone is unique and everyone is there own person.

Also, don't fall for the peer pressure. I don't drink, I don't sleep around, and I for sure don't do drugs. Those are just my personal morals and such, but I have been asked to do several of those things multiple times. I've said no multiple times. Sure some people will call you a coward or mess with you because of how you want to live your life, but it's your life. How you want to live your life, is your choice. You don't have to change your morals for others, or for yourself in order to have friends or even to have fun. I'm friends with people who do those things, but I also have friends that don't and are a little more like me. The key is to know where your values lie and to know what you really want to get out of the experience of college. It's all up to you. You're parents aren't going to call everyday and make sure you're not getting into trouble. College is the time that you're own your sort of. You have to learn who you are as a person and then how to make yourself a better version of that through education and simply experience.

I personally looked into some of the catholic stuff here on campus and found several opportunities to still stay connected to my faith. Therefore, so can you. I promise you that.

I hope that all helps and that you can rest a little easier if you're worried about college.

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