Friday, November 7, 2014

Songs Bring Things into Focus

So here's another song I thought you guys would like to here. I personally like it because  it reminds of a simpler time, yet it also tells us about how our relationship with God is and what He does for it and how it all compares. I hope you like it and once again, thanks for listening.

It's called "Preacher" by One Republic. You can copy the URL here and paste it in another tab to hear it.

Proverbs 3:5-6

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."


Have you ever had a an embarrassing moment, or just a really crappy day and you need to tell someone about it, but you didn't everyone to know about? So, you tell your best friend, or your mom/dad, or one of your siblings? What makes you tell them instead of someone else? Why do you think they won't run off and tell everyone? It's simple - trust. Many people these days have forgotten how important it is to trust, whether it be with your significant other, your parents/sibling/friends, or even God. You need to be able to divulge yourself in people and do it without wondering if it's a good idea to do so or not. You need to be able to trust.

Relationships, whether they be marriages, simple gf/bf, or even with our friends, have been falling apart more than ever within the last 10 years simply because of trust issues. These days we have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. and then you add the real world social experience and it's easy to see how things can get out of hand when it comes to trying to control who see what info about us we're willing sharing. Does this mean we can blame the technology? No! This is because the understanding of what trust is.

The dictionary definition of what trust means is one that is a "belief in someone or something that is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc. - ie: a charge or duty imposed on in faith or confidence or as a condition of some relationship; something committed or entrusted to one to be used or cared for in the interest of another." What does this mean? It means that you are able to tell someone something and have faith in the other to not simply spread it around. It means that you can know in your heart whether someone will be there for you or not when you're in trouble or when you need them the most. It means being able to make important decisions with someone because you have faith in them that they're looking out for you and helping by making the appropriate choices in order to better both of you.

So let's talk about what this means with God. So many of us have doubts everyday. It's ok to admit them, I do anyways. Doubts like whether He's real, or whether or not life will get better by His hand, or even whether or not He's even looking after us. It's understandable to have those kinds of doubts. If you don't, then great for you, you must have a stronger faith than a lot of us. For those of you who waver though, just know you're not alone. What makes the difference though? What makes a person stronger in their faith then? It's simple again - trust. If you can put the same, or even more trust (the same that you would give to your best friend, or significant other) to God when it comes to knowing whether He's looking after you or not, then I guarantee you will be a lot happier. Trust is the glue to what builds or faith in God, without it, we have nothing. Trust in Him and in return, He will grant you ever blessing and praise you could ever imagine. Afterall, our understanding of God is just like a relationship. He's put His trust in you, so now return the favor, otherwise you're going to fall apart from Him, just like any other relationship.

So trust in Him. Learn to have better trust with others. And most importantly, learn to trust yourself too.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

John 14:27

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Halloween & College Advice

So, last Friday was Halloween and since I'm in college, well, guess what that means. If anything like drugs, sex, alcohol, tons of parties, skimpy outfits, excessive makeup, etc. come to your mind, well, you wouldn't be wrong. However, not everyone celebrates like that. Some like to just hang with a couple friends in a Halloween themed hangout. Surprisingly, this is possible. Whatever your morals are, there is a place for you in college, don't worry. I go to the one of the nation's top party schools, yet I'm still able to find my niche here without getting high or drunk every other night, so you can too, don't worry.

Which brings me to my next point: don't think for a second that because you're in college all of the sudden that you have to change yourself, or drop any morals that you have in order to have a good time. What/who you were in high school, can still be you in college, but don't forget the becoming an adult thing too. Whatever is your thing, you can for sure find it in college, so don't worry about fitting in or standing out, everyone is unique and everyone is there own person.

Also, don't fall for the peer pressure. I don't drink, I don't sleep around, and I for sure don't do drugs. Those are just my personal morals and such, but I have been asked to do several of those things multiple times. I've said no multiple times. Sure some people will call you a coward or mess with you because of how you want to live your life, but it's your life. How you want to live your life, is your choice. You don't have to change your morals for others, or for yourself in order to have friends or even to have fun. I'm friends with people who do those things, but I also have friends that don't and are a little more like me. The key is to know where your values lie and to know what you really want to get out of the experience of college. It's all up to you. You're parents aren't going to call everyday and make sure you're not getting into trouble. College is the time that you're own your sort of. You have to learn who you are as a person and then how to make yourself a better version of that through education and simply experience.

I personally looked into some of the catholic stuff here on campus and found several opportunities to still stay connected to my faith. Therefore, so can you. I promise you that.

I hope that all helps and that you can rest a little easier if you're worried about college.

I'm Back!!!

Hey guys, sorry that I have been so quiet for so long there (what, 4 months now?), college is a busy thing sometimes. But I promise to start posting more from now. So look forward to more coming through from me!!! :)