Sunday, February 2, 2014

My Battle Cry, What's Yours?

So during this weekend's youth group retreat, our theme was "This Means War". We got to learn about what the war is truly and what it means to fight it. We also learned what armor or weapons we have already been given that we have the ability to use at any time we want. Then on the last day, we had a prayer circle and individually came up with a battle cry for ourselves that would help ourselves to continue the fight and to remind us what we're fighting for. This is mine:

"Although the Devil may press
Although the temptations build

You're Stronger Anyways

Although they might rebel
Although they may not want to listen

Make Them Anyways

Although the end may seem so far 
Although the light at the end seems so small

Lead Them Anyways

So shod your feet in the gospel of peace, wrap the belt of truth around you,
Put on the breastplate of righteousness, put on the helmet of salvation, 
pick up your shield of faith, and wield your sword of the word of God

And finally, always Pray"

Now, what's your battle cry?

1 comment:

  1. Its not quite a battle cry, but its encouraging words for me:

    Be still and know that I am God,
    For Love will always win.
