Sunday, February 2, 2014

Songs Bring Things Into Focus

I thought this video might be perfect for getting a better picture of what we're all up against these days. Listen to the lyrics carefully, and enjoy! :)

Matthew 5:14-16

"You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house. Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father."

My Battle Cry, What's Yours?

So during this weekend's youth group retreat, our theme was "This Means War". We got to learn about what the war is truly and what it means to fight it. We also learned what armor or weapons we have already been given that we have the ability to use at any time we want. Then on the last day, we had a prayer circle and individually came up with a battle cry for ourselves that would help ourselves to continue the fight and to remind us what we're fighting for. This is mine:

"Although the Devil may press
Although the temptations build

You're Stronger Anyways

Although they might rebel
Although they may not want to listen

Make Them Anyways

Although the end may seem so far 
Although the light at the end seems so small

Lead Them Anyways

So shod your feet in the gospel of peace, wrap the belt of truth around you,
Put on the breastplate of righteousness, put on the helmet of salvation, 
pick up your shield of faith, and wield your sword of the word of God

And finally, always Pray"

Now, what's your battle cry?

This Means War

There's a battle being waged right now. It's not always visible. It's not specific to one person or another. Each one of us have felt it. Have gone through it. Everyone'e outcome is different. Some are even still stuck fighting it. What's this battle you say?

Good vs. Evil
God vs. Satan
Heaven vs. Hell

The Devil has infiltrated us in almost every aspect in our society these days. Whether it be what you see in the media, or what you hear through the gossip at the lunch table. The Devil is nearly everywhere. He tempts us. He lies to us. He tries to make us feel good about doing bad. And it almost seems like he's been winning recently with the raise in the our crime rates, the violence in our politics, and the wrong messages in our media. 

Now I know what you're thinking, "How can I possibly win against him in this battle then?"

Well, here's some good news:

1) God has already won the battle. He's taken dominion over Satan and the Devil can never touch Him again. God gave His only begotten Son for us in order to be able to conquer death and save us from our sins, so that we could go to Heaven with Him. 

2) God has given us the ability to fight against sin and temptation by giving us the Church. That is our home base of resistance against Satan. He gave us a rock to hold onto when the tides get to high.


3) God has given us the 7 pieces of armor to defend ourselves against Satan and his demons.

What are these 7 pieces of armor you ask?

Ephesians 6:13-17 reads
"Therefore, put on the armor of God, that you may be able to resist on the evil fay and, having done everything, to hold your ground. So stand fast with your loins girded in truth, clothed in righteousness as a breastplate, and your feet shod in readiness for the gospel of peace. In all circumstances hold faith as a shield, to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And take up the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."

I know what you're thinking, I only counted 6 there. That's because the 7th one isn't really a piece of armor. its the Power of Prayer. Prayer is an amazing thing that can help bring everything together and keep the connection open to the Lord. Just as a soldier must keep the communication lines open for the commander, we must do with the Power of Prayer.

So God has given us armor and weapons to battle against the Devil, but you might still be asking why? If God has already won, then why do I need to fight? It's over, right?

Not exactly. God gave His only begotten Son for us because He wanted to even the playing field. He could've easily gotten rid of Satan, but instead He decided to let us participate in our own salvation. So the Devil tries to tempt us. He lies to us and tells us things that we get confused about. He twists the truth to make something bad sound/seem good.He wants us to forget the true king. He wants us to leave our allegiance to him, not God. And everyday is a battle. That's the fight you fight through everyday and God can't force you to want Him or listen to Him for that matter.

So it comes down to choice. Look at your options. Look at the consequences of your actions. Decide who you want to swear your allegiance to in this battle, because in the end; God is still going to come and He is still going to judge the living and the dead. That judgement decides whether you go to Heaven or Hell, so choose wisely. That's all this battle is truly about. The choices we make and the consequences  of them. So now it's your turn. You still get to decide. God is always going to be there and He's willing to always help you to Heaven, but you have to want it. So talk to Him. Ignore the temptations of sin from the Devil. It's your turn to rise and fight for your eternal life. Give it all, or lose it all. 

It's your choice.