Wednesday, February 27, 2013

John 16:30-31

"By this we believe." Jesus answered them, "Do you now believe?"
-John 16:30-31

Challenge # 1

Challenge: Write atleast a paragraph or more that you think will describe the moment you reach Heaven and see the Father. Go!

My Example:

Imagine you're standing alone. Nothing but silence and blankness around you. You turn your head to the left, then the right. You do a slow 360 degree turn to see every aspect of the place you're standing in. There are no walls. There are no windows, nor windows. Just simple white, emptiness that seems to stretch on forever. It's a bright white- a little brighter than eggshell coloring- maybe with a hint of golden rays smeared into it. Almost like sunlight.
You call out, but nothing. Silence. you call out again, but this time, while there isn't a response still, you realize also that your voice has no echo. You ponder this and then call out again, "Hello?" This time there is a response. You hear a voice, it sounds as if it's coming from behind you and you quickly turn to find the source of such a voice. It's deep and soothing. It sounds sweet and comforting and you're trying to find what's speaking with such a voice. It's congratulating you, yet you can't seem to find the source. Then there comes a blinding light. The area where you think the voice should be is instead covered by blinding light. It's almost as if someone has put a spotlight on you, but the blankness and whit color of the place disperses it out and it blends into it around the edges. 
The voice calls out to you again. "Do you believe in Him"? 
You're confused, thinking to yourself you say, "who is him"?, but suddenly the voice calls out again. 
"Can you not recognize me? Your own Father?"
You call back to the voice, "But who is it that you are? Certainly not God".
The voice calls back, but in an understanding tone, "And why can't I be? Do you not believe in Me? After everything you've been through?"
You can't believe it's truly Him, so you ask you're most desperate question, "If it is you, then why come now? Where were you when I needed you the most? When I got put up for adoption? When I lost friends simply because of words? Why is it that I feel great, better than others, yet still feel guilty when I see the pain and suffering of the people I know? Why God?"
He responds with a calming voice, "Relax my son. You've lived a life others would never dream of. You want to know why you got adopted? It's because you needed to have a better life. I let you move from that family because you weren't going to to grow up and be happy, like you are now. I needed you to experience pain and trouble first before I let you receive the gift of happiness and love. You want to know why you've lost the friends that you have? They were not good for you. You wanted to keep clean and be happy. You prayed and wished for it, so I made it so. Those friends would've changed you and not in the best of ways. You want to know why you feel so happy and great? I gave you that gift. And  with that gift you've touched so may in your life. They've seen you're happiness, known of your struggles, and seen how you got through with all the troubles in your life. Seeing you gave them hope. They started praying again. They started trying to reach me again and I welcomed them back with open arms. You feel grief and sadness at the pain and frustration of someone else because you want to help them. Deep down you know how you affect others and you want to help them like you've helped others. None of this was for you to feel bad, but rather that you would realize just how important you are to Me, to everyone else you've ever reached out to."
You lower your head. Understanding what God had told you has brought you to shame and humility. As you're about to speak out, the Father stops you.
"I know son. You're sorry. I appreaciate the gesture, but you are forgiven. Just trust me when I tell you something and I set something in your path that might be a struggle is in fact a simple way for you to grow in your faith. Now rest my Son. Come with me and be at peace. Your time has come to come and live with me in eternally glory. Are you ready?"
The last part catches you and you suddenly realize where you are. You realize you have died, but instead of feeling of loss or shame and guilt for your sins, you feel more free and happier than ever. You walk over to the light and suddenly as you came to be in the blank place, you've left. You went to Heaven.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Why I Believe In God

Why should I believe in God?

That's a simple question, yet it means a lot. So, why should you believe in God? Well, first, tell me something. Are you a scientific person? Do like to see everything and try to understand how it works or simply how it came to be? Well, then you're in luck because i'm just like you. I LOVE the scientific world around. It's amazing. Just trying to understand every little thing around us is pretty cool, right? Well then you must be wondering, how come science has been able to prove everything and in the process not reveal there to be a God?

Actually, scientists haven't been able to prove EVERYTHING. See, they make you think that, but you have to realize that there is one thing they haven't been able to disprove. That is God. No matter how many facts and numbers they throw at the image or the idea of God, they just can't make it stick. You see, God isn't a physical being. He's not something you can touch or see. You just an not try to compare to something of this Earth. You wanna know why? Because He created this world; this universe. He's not a part of it. He's outside of it. You know science has proven how the universe got created- big bang theory- yet they can't explain how the big bang came around. Something had to have moved those particles, but what? That's where God steps in. See, you can believe in evolution and all that, but just remember that in the end, it was God who started the whole ball and chain going. So that's why you should believe in Him. He created you, this Earth, and the Universe.