Friday, November 16, 2012

Re-Teaching The Faith

I heard this paragraph from someone when we were discussing what it means to "live in the present [for God]". This is the opening paragraph in the book that the person was reading and it was nice to hear, what might seem weird to us, how our ancestors might have viewed God.

God still speaks to us as he used to speak to our ancestors at a time when there were neither spiritual directors nor any system of spirituality. To be faithful to the designs of God then comprised the whole of one's spiritual life. They knew only that each moment brought a duty which must be faithfully fulfilled. Those spiritually inclined needed nothing more. They were like the hand of a clock which, minute by minute, crosses the appointed space, for, ceaselessly prompted by the divine grace, they attended without thinking to  each new task offered them by God at every hour of the day."

This makes me aware of my present surroundings a little more, so as to pause and imagine that God is in the moment there with me helping (guiding) me to my future (His providence for me). We spend so much of our time filling up our boredom and extra time with games on our tablets, itouches, and phones and also texting that we don't really look around us and actually live in the moment. If we just stop and take a deep breath, imagine God in the room there with us, and try to ignore the urge to take our cellphones out... we might actually get to experience the day in a whole new way.And if you ever get bored, or say that you're bored, just pause for a moment and just ask yourself to God, "Ok God, what do you have for me next"? Just like your coach tells you in the sport to "get in the ready position", God is telling you to get into that position too. We need to be ready for anything.

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